The week between Christmas and New Year’s has always felt like such a strange in-between. Time slows down, but somehow there’s still always something that needs doing. This year, I decided to approach it differently. Instead of diving into the chaos of taking down decorations or trying to get a head start on my resolutions, I made myself a promise: to slow down, reflect, and really unwind.

It started with something simple. I put my phone on silent for an entire day. No notifications, no mindless scrolling, just me, a journal, and a mug of my favorite peppermint latte. Sitting by the fireplace’s soft glow, I let myself write freely about the highs and lows of the past year. What surprised me most was realizing just how much I had to celebrate, even in moments that felt small at the time. There’s something incredibly freeing about letting your thoughts flow onto paper, as if writing them down clears space for new beginnings.

I also tried something new this year: a “mindful walk.” Instead of heading out just to burn off holiday treats, I took my time strolling through Cherokee Park. I noticed the crisp winter air, the way the leaves crunched under my boots, and even the quiet hum of nature around me. It was a different kind of walk, slower and more intentional, and it grounded me in a way my usual power walks never do.

And then, my favorite part of the week: a long, indulgent bath. I lit a lavender candle, poured in some Epsom salts, and finally opened the novel I’d been saving for months. For nearly an hour, I let myself get lost in the warmth and the story, completely uninterrupted. It felt like the ultimate reset, peaceful, restorative, and just for me.

To wrap up my little self-care retreat, I created a simple “letting go” ritual. I wrote down everything from 2024 that I wanted to leave behind. Stressful habits, draining relationships, and even a few nagging doubts all went onto the page, and then I tore the paper into tiny pieces. Standing on my back porch, I let the wind carry those fragments away. Watching them disappear was such a powerful way to say goodbye to what no longer serves me.

What I learned this week is that self-care doesn’t need to be fancy or time-consuming. It’s about carving out those little moments to reconnect with yourself, to acknowledge how far you’ve come, and to clear the way for what’s next. If you’re feeling the weight of the year and the pull to reset, start small. A quiet cup of tea, a heartfelt journal entry, or even a few deep breaths can do wonders.

Here’s to stepping into the New Year feeling refreshed, grounded, and ready for whatever’s ahead.