Wine, Women & Shoes Benefitting Family Scholar House Photos by Bill Wine Today’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 159Publisher and Owner of Today’s Woman magazine Tawana Bain and Amelia Frazier Theobald, Owner CEO, Voice-TribuneToday’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 158Honorary committee member Rachel Keens pulled the winning name for a door prize as Vicki Dortch announced the winner.The best in shoe drawing was this pair of shoes.The best in shoe drawing was this pair of shoes.The winner of the best in show drawing smiled as she walked the runway.The winner of the best in show drawing smiled as she walked the runway.Today’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 155Publisher and Owner of Today’s Woman magazine Tawana Bain held a bottle of wine as she spoke to the audience.Runway fashion showRunway fashion showTami Hatfield and Gretta FeldkampTami Hatfield and Gretta FeldkampRunway fashion show.Runway fashion show.Runway fashion show.Runway fashion show.Runway fashion show.Runway fashion show.Runway fashion show.Runway fashion show.Runway fashion show.Runway fashion show.Runway fashion show.Runway fashion show.Runway fashion show.Runway fashion show.Runway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showRunway fashion showThe guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.Ann Toni Kereiakes , Kristi Saathoff, Leifje Dighton and Mary PutnamAnn Toni Kereiakes , Kristi Saathoff, Leifje Dighton and Mary PutnamWine was served throughout the event.Wine was served throughout the event.Today’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 105Ashlee Meier, Vice-President of Studio 4 Forty, worked the audience during the live auction.Today’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 104Ashlee Meier, Vice-President of Studio 4 Forty, worked the audience during the live auction.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.Erica Bovard lifted her bid paddle to fund the mission during the program.Erica Bovard lifted her bid paddle to fund the mission during the program.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.Gretta Feldkamp and Cynthia FanningGretta Feldkamp and Cynthia FanningThe guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.Leifje Dighton and Mary PutnamLeifje Dighton and Mary PutnamVideo screenVideo screenFSH Chief Possibility Officer Cathe Dykstra spoke to the audience.FSH Chief Possibility Officer Cathe Dykstra spoke to the audience.Today’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 89Guests stood and applauded during the event.Guests stood and applauded during the event.Gretta Feldkamp lifted her bid paddle.Gretta Feldkamp lifted her bid paddle.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.The guests lifted their bid paddles.Faces in the crowdFaces in the crowdThe Shoe Guys entertained the guests.The Shoe Guys entertained the guests.Faces in the crowdFaces in the crowdAshlee Meier, Vice-President of Studio 4 Forty, conducted the live auction.Ashlee Meier, Vice-President of Studio 4 Forty, conducted the live auction.Faces in the crowdFaces in the crowdFaces in the crowdFaces in the crowdFaces in the crowdFaces in the crowdFaces in the crowdFaces in the crowdFaces in the crowdFaces in the crowdThe first live auction item was a painting by local artist Kathryn Gray.The first live auction item was a painting by local artist Kathryn Gray.The Shoe Guys worked the bubble machine during the event.The Shoe Guys worked the bubble machine during the event.The Shoe Guys worked the bubble machine during the event.The Shoe Guys worked the bubble machine during the event.The Shoe Guys worked the bubble machine during the event.The Shoe Guys worked the bubble machine during the event.Today’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 70Ashlee Meier, Vice-President of Studio 4 Forty, conducted the live the Shoe Guys worked the crowd from the runway.Ashlee Meier, Vice-President of Studio 4 Forty, conducted the live auction.Ashlee Meier, Vice-President of Studio 4 Forty, conducted the live auction.Larry Muennich was named the King Of Sole.Larry Muennich was named the King Of Sole.Larry Muennich was named the King Of Sole.Larry Muennich was named the King Of Sole.Today’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 66Mary Putnam, event co-chair Angie Evans, emcee Vicki Dortch with WLKY and co-chair Cynthia FanningThe emcee of the event was Vicki Dortch with WLKY.The emcee of the event was Vicki Dortch with WLKY.Ann Toni Kereiakes ,Kristi Saathoff and Leifje DightonAnn Toni Kereiakes ,Kristi Saathoff and Leifje DightonThe guests laughed and applauded while the Shoe Guys entertained the audience.The guests laughed and applauded while the Shoe Guys entertained the audience.The Shoe Guys danced on the runway.The Shoe Guys danced on the runway.Two members of the Shoe Guys opened the program on the runway.Two members of the Shoe Guys opened the program on the runway.Two members of the Shoe Guys opened the program on the runway.Two members of the Shoe Guys opened the program on the runway.Video screenVideo screenEmory Williamson handled the transaction purchased by Erica Bovard.Emory Williamson handled the transaction purchased by Erica Bovard.A candid image of guests enjoying wine and lite bites.A candid image of guests enjoying wine and lite bites.Soul of A Lion wine, 2020 was one of many wines present at the event.Soul of A Lion wine, 2020 was one of many wines present at the event.Guests enjoyed viewing assorted items.Guests enjoyed viewing assorted items.Candid image of a guest talking with a jewelry vendor.Candid image of a guest talking with a jewelry vendor.Rachel Densley and Shandi Dorsey both with Today’s Woman posed for a photo.Rachel Densley and Shandi Dorsey both with Today’s Woman posed for a photo.Mellisa Boone, Cathy Tonn, Christine Arterburn and Rebecca BrownMellisa Boone, Cathy Tonn, Christine Arterburn and Rebecca BrownToday’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 51Lori Shepherd, Lindsay Pruniski, Jill Condra, Julie Lawrence and Katie ShrewsberryJill Ramsey, Kim Getz and Elita RobertsJill Ramsey, Kim Getz and Elita RobertsThe key to the vault drawing was a very active registration.The key to the vault drawing was a very active registration.Today’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 48Marita Willis, Monica Smith, Carroll Jones- Clay, Debbie Roberson, Valerie Combs and Jessica HillMarita Willis, Carroll Jones-Clay and Valerie CombsMarita Willis, Carroll Jones-Clay and Valerie CombsTaylor Ryan, LP Brewer and Laura BarnumTaylor Ryan, LP Brewer and Laura BarnumEvent co-chair Angie Evans and Brenda HackettEvent co-chair Angie Evans and Brenda HackettDesserts were placed at each table.Desserts were placed at each table.The grand ballroom was ready for the program.The grand ballroom was ready for the program.Wine was served at the event.Wine was served at the event.Today’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 41Jacquelyn Bowman, Sara Thompson, Rebecca Thomas, event co-chair Cynthia Fanning, Jaclyn Meek and Brooke SloneWine was served at the event.Wine was served at the event.Wine was served at the event.Wine was served at the event.A wall of bourbon table was enjoyed by many.A wall of bourbon table was enjoyed by many.A wall of bourbon table was enjoyed by many.A wall of bourbon table was enjoyed by many.Live auction items were listed.Live auction items were listed.Today’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 35Samantha and Brian Merkley, Julie Dreisbach and honorary committee member Rachel KeensDonna King with P. Sherrod & Co posed for a photo.Donna King with P. Sherrod & Co posed for a photo.Today’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 33Kathryn Gray painted at the event with her One-Of -A- Kind painting later being auctioned off at the event.Dora Vowels, Holly Cline and Ann VowelsDora Vowels, Holly Cline and Ann VowelsA Top Chef Culinary Experience was a live auction item.A Top Chef Culinary Experience was a live auction item.A bottle of Woodford Reserve bourbon was a raffle item at the event.A bottle of Woodford Reserve bourbon was a raffle item at the event.Jane Hale and Christina StoneJane Hale and Christina StoneGuest enjoyed their opportunities to mingle with vendors.Guest enjoyed their opportunities to mingle with vendors.Today’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 27Allie Cowan Holtz, Whitney Buente, Jessica Shuck, Kita Tyler and Catherine DarmstadtThe GE Appliances group posed for a photo.The GE Appliances group posed for a photo.Plenty of smiling faces were easily noticied at the event.Plenty of smiling faces were easily noticied at the event.Samantha and Brian MerkleySamantha and Brian MerkleyMaria Wilson, FSH Chief Possibility Officer Cathe Dykstra and Mechelle ArtisMaria Wilson, FSH Chief Possibility Officer Cathe Dykstra and Mechelle ArtisThis pickleball package was a silent auction item.This pickleball package was a silent auction item.Susie Aides Pomerance and Shari BaughmanSusie Aides Pomerance and Shari BaughmanGuest enjoyed their opportunities to mingle with vendors.Guest enjoyed their opportunities to mingle with vendors.Becca and Hannah Meredith, Susanna Masterson, Debbie, and Pam BundtBecca and Hannah Meredith, Susanna Masterson, Debbie, and Pam BundtKrista Hillyard and Amy BasbagillKrista Hillyard and Amy BasbagillGeorge and Lauren TannerGeorge and Lauren TannerShoes in all styles were easily spotted at the event.Shoes in all styles were easily spotted at the event.Kathy McCubbin and Anne SwopeKathy McCubbin and Anne SwopeAdam Nallenweg, Holly Cline and Blake HardyAdam Nallenweg, Holly Cline and Blake HardyA personalize toasting box was a silent auction item.A personalize toasting box was a silent auction item.Marita Willis, Valerie Combs and Gia CombsMarita Willis, Valerie Combs and Gia CombsA guest at the event displayed her shoes.A guest at the event displayed her shoes.Today’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 10Gretta Feldkamp, event co-chair Cynthia Fanning, Erica Bovard, Julie Burns, Anntoni Kereeiakes and Jen GeierA speciality made wine cabinet held bottles of wine.A speciality made wine cabinet held bottles of wine.A wine pull was featured at the event.A wine pull was featured at the women & shoes glasses were ready for the wine featured at the women & shoes glasses were ready for the wine featured at the event.The event venue was the Henry Clay building.The event venue was the Henry Clay building.Lite bites were placed on each table.Lite bites were placed on each table.The tables were set for the evening program.The tables were set for the evening program.FSH Chief Possibility Officer Cathe Dykstra posed with the Shoe Guys.FSH Chief Possibility Officer Cathe Dykstra posed with the Shoe Guys.Appetizers were served.Appetizers were served.Today’s Woman wine women & shoes, Select 03-03-2023 BW jpg 01Member of the 2023 Planning Committee Kathy Hinkebein, Adam Nallenweg and Judge Jessica Moore By Sara Jessick|2023-03-11T01:52:42-05:00March 11, 2023|Digital Exclusives, Events| Share This Story! 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