Publisher’s Blog2025-01-10T13:54:52-05:00

Publisher’s Blog: July 2023

Escaping the Entitlement Trap Written by Tawana Bain This month, we will explore dealing with the entitled. Whether it’s present with family, friends, or is woven silently with business associates, I can’t help but to be perplexed at how naturally this trait exists and, as if bearing the weight of processing the behavior of the entitled is not enough, how are we to cope with the realization when those we least expect to harbor the trait show us who they are? Do we stand by and agonize without uttering a word? Or do we challenge [...]

By |June 30, 2023|Publisher's Blog|

Publisher’s Blog: June 2023

‘Who Are You Uninterrupted?’ Written by Tawana Bain The other day, I saw a video that stopped me in my tracks and really made me think. It was from entrepreneur, author, public speaker, and podcast host Felecia Hatcher, who, I’m happy to say, was a guest speaker at the Black Girl Magic brunch during Derby Diversity Week in May. Someone had asked her, “Who are you uninterrupted?” Her response was, “I’ve worked for some of the biggest companies in the world, and I’ve never heard that question. But moreover, I could not answer it when [...]

By |June 1, 2023|Publisher's Blog|

Publisher’s Blog: May 2023

The Power in the Ask Written by Tawana Bain It’s almost cliche to say, but it’s true and bears repeating: Nobody builds anything great all alone. Watching the Most Admired Woman Awards, I saw woman after woman take their time to give thanks to the people who helped them get to where they are. And not just for the nominations and votes that ultimately won these awards for them, but for everything. Work, life, and the places they intersect, we always need support to do the big work. Getting that kind of assistance often starts [...]

By |May 1, 2023|Publisher's Blog|

Publisher’s Blog: April 2023

Those Tricky Words — ‘Best Friend’ Written by Tawana Bain When we’re kids, there’s nothing of greater magnitude than being best friends with someone. Your world is so small as a child, and a best friend makes it feel a little bigger. Looking back on those days, it’s a kaleidoscope of emotions for us. There’s having fun together and learning to share, and all the times you get to have pure, new experiences. But what about the challenges, the doubt, and the times the road gets bumpy? What if the person you thought was your [...]

By |April 1, 2023|Publisher's Blog|

Publisher’s Blog: March 2023

Power is a Delicate Thing Written by Tawana Bain I struggle to understand how to quantify power. Why some are so hungry for it. Why some abuse it. And why some don’t even realize they have it. I’ve found in life that the quickest way to see what a person is all about is to see what they do with a bit of power when they get it. Does it go to their head? Do they forsake long-held values in pursuit of maintaining it? We often think that power can eclipse insecurity, but really, I [...]

By |March 1, 2023|Publisher's Blog|

Publisher’s Blog: February 2023

On the Road Together Written by Tawana Bain This year is in full swing, and I hope that 2023 is treating you right, even though, for me, it came barreling in as though I had stolen its best friend. I came into the year battling a virus, technical glitches, and a newly chipped front tooth! I have to admit that I initially took all of it as a bad omen that this might not be my year. But after reflecting, I now see how the virus made me reprioritize my health, the chipped tooth resulted [...]

By |February 1, 2023|Publisher's Blog|
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